
Monday, November 26, 2012

Sunday Confessions - 1 day late, shhhh

Totally forgot to do my Sunday Confessions on Sunday. Oh well here we go.

1. I wasn't feeling great yesterday -- at first I was afraid I caught what my brother-in-law had over the holiday, but I'm feeling okay today so I think it was just some sinus congestion crap -- so I restarted playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (I finally finished playing Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword just on Saturday -- such a beautiful ending! It took a year to play, cos it came out last year around Thanksgiving but I hadn't played since February so it's not like I played every day and it took a year. It only took about 60 hours total play time. Haha.) I played Twilight for about 6 hours straight... yea. I'm so cool. The sad thing is, 6+ hours of play time and I'm only to the second dungeon...

2. I noticed today when I logged in, this blog has had over 500 hits! That makes me super happy. I'm a bit of a hit counter stats stalker. Looking back at the history, it looks like it hit the 500th page view/hit on Thanksgiving. :) More happy! So whoever you were, thanks for visiting! Not too shabby for this little blog being around just over a month and I'm still feeling out my niche in the interwebz world.

3. I love Living Social/Groupon/Amazon Local/whatever deals! I recently bought a Xumba deal on Living Social for Tropa Z Fitness and I went to my first class last week -- had to work out a little before the smorgasbord of food! -- and I loved it! It's very high intensity and I was a little sore the next day, which is exactly what I need. It's even better that I ran into one of my friends there and she goes there about twice a week. New workout buddy! So my plan is to try to go there twice a week, work up to three times a week. My friend goes Monday and Tuesdays... Tuesdays would be good for me. My next three Mondays are already booked... Maybe Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday mornings. They have Zumba M-Th at 7pm and on Saturday morning around 10. I love that schedule! I can work with that schedule!

4. Looking over the list of books I've read recently, I think I'm a little zombie obsessed...
World War Z
Zone One (reading it now)
The Walking Dead - graphic novel volumes 1-16
The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor
And I have so many more zombie-centric books I want to read... No wonder one of my favorite games of Chris' is Zombicide. Right up my alley! And it's a co-op game.

5. Is it Christmas yet? I love Thanksgiving but this year it was a little different, since as I've mentioned, my brother and sister-in-law couldn't make it. It was so nice to get to spend time with family... My boyfriend hasn't gotten a lot of face time with my parents so that was great. Although a little eerie at times when I started seeing some similarities between my father and my boyfriend... mainly how they like to tease me and their love of puns. Oh the puns. So many puns....


  1. I loved Zumba!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately I have not done it here so boo on me. There is a place that is five bucks at noon class, I think I should go.
