
Monday, November 5, 2012

Weekend Recap (AKA, Thank you Pinterest!)

Just a quick little weekend recap this morning.

The Game Night went awesome! Everyone who was invited except for one person was able to come and everyone who said they'd come, actually came -- amazing!! We played a lot of games, had a lot of laughs, drank a lot of beer and Chris and I still have so much beer in our fridge! And my food was a hit. Yaay. I am the hostess with the mostest. Ranch dip made with low fat yogurt? A hit. Ham & cheese roll ups? A yummy, so easy to make, hit! Pizza rolls? A delicious hit! But the big winner of the night was definitely my Funfetti dip. Oh my god. It is definitely something I can only make when I am going to be around a bunch of people who will help me eat it. Chris is no help, he doesn't really crave sweets and most of the time, sweets are too sweet for him. I wish I had that problem. But back to the Funfetti dip... It's so thick and creamy. It's like eating cake batter -- which it essentially is. It made a lot more than I thought it would. I ended up having to change bowls as I was mixing it. I ended up with about a cup and a half remaining, that is now in my fridge and being snacked on day by day. A cup and a half I can handle. About 6 cups I cannot. I don't want to just give myself diabetes. According to the recipe though, 1/4 cup of the dip is only 3 Weight Watcher points.

Not sure exactly what that means, never done Weight Watchers, but it sounds a lot better than just sitting down and eating frosting straight from the tub. Which I used to do in college -- it was my finals study snack. But that's basically what the Funfetti dip tastes like. Frosting. Yum.

Didn't have a chance to make the chocolate chip pumpkin spice cookies again before the game night. So that means I didn't have a chance to test out my new cookie scoop. I figure I'll just hold onto the ingredients in my pantry for another two weeks and just make them for Thanksgiving. I really don't need anymore sweets at home -- not while I still have Funfetti cake batter deliciousness dip in my fridge.

The rest of the weekend was nice and relaxing. Slept late on Saturday -- I woke up at 7am to feed my cat then went back to bed then woke up at 2. PM! I never do that anymore. Hung around the house then headed out with Chris to meet up with a friend for dinner at Les Givral's on Milam, then the three of us headed over to watch the home opener Rockets game against Portland. Great game, didn't get the win though. But it should be an interesting season with the brand new team.

Sunday was another lazy day. I woke up at my regular time though and then pretty much read the entire day. Went through about 6 issues of The Walking Dead. Ahh so good! So dark... Now I need to head to the library and pick up the next few issues and then I'll almost be caught up. Also read some more on J.K. Rowling's most recent book, The Casual Vacancy. It's an interesting read just... very slow going. If I didn't have about 3 other books I'm juggling I'm sure it would go a lot faster.

Finished off the weekend with dinner at House of Bowls with Chris in Chinatown then we swung by Jusgo to see if they had red bean popsicles. Something Chris has been wanting to buy and get me to try since he found out I like red bean, probably about a year ago. We were pretty freshly dating. They did have the red bean popsicles, and I stole some of Chris' when we got home. Yum. They also had...

MONSTER POMEGRANATES! Seriously, I bought one at HEB about a week ago and it was the size of a small apple. These things were all the size of grapefruits. That's Chris' hand for comparison. Here's the monster at home in my fruit bowl with some small Red Delicious apples for comparison:

Pomegranates are one thing I really love about this time of year. (I also love Cuties -- the little super-easy-to-peel tangerines. They just smell like Christmas to me.) But now I know I definitely have to buy them in Chinatown. I can't go back to little poms, I just can't!

Did a bit of Thanksgiving menu planning with my sister via email. I really do love this time of year. It's made even more interesting as I'm getting more into cooking. Going to make my green beans this year and the chocolate chip pumpkin spice cookies, Chris is going to make his signature cheesecake... Most of the other food still is falling on my parents and my sister and brother-in-law to make. I'll have to do my share by helping to cook stuff that morning for the meal.

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