
Monday, December 10, 2012

5 for Five #1

I really like this idea... Saw this linked on one of my new followers' blogs (Hi Mia!) And since this is my first time doing this, I only have to make a list! I don't have to update how I did on this last week.

So here's the deal. This is a link up with Jenn and Jessica. Every Monday, I'll set five goals for myself to be accomplished over the next five days. Then the next Monday, I'll evaluate how I did on my goals and set new ones. And then the next Monday, I'll evaluate those and set new ones... Do you see the pattern?

Okay, new motivation method... Let's go.


1. Put my laundry away. That's right. I know. I did some of it last night but I still need to hang stuff up. So. Do it!

2. Zumba at least twice this week. Last week I was sick, so didn't. Fine, whatever. But this week, no excuses! I have it on my calendar for Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I want to make it to at least two. If I can do all three even better!

3. Make food for parties. I have some get togethers this weekend, Friday and Saturday night, and I plan to make Funfetti dip for Friday's and cherry coke salad (no link for this, it's an old family recipe and I can't find the exact recipe online... I may just have to make one on Allrecipes and then take a picture) for Saturday's. And maybe my dad's cranberry sauce for Saturday's. Maybe. I don't have a zester or a small hand held juicer and I would need that for the recipe.

4. Do some more Christmas shopping. Need to get a present for my dad, my mom, and a white elephant gift for a party in late December. That gift might bring me to Bed Bath & Beyond... which is a dangerous place to go when I already stated I don't have a zester or juicer!

5. Call my parents. I haven't talked to them in awhile... Dang, self, have you even talked to them since Thanksgiving? Bad daughter, bad. Call mom and dad.


  1. Yay, thanks for the shoutout, Laura! :)

    Love your list... and I love Funfetti dip, so delicious! :) Hope you get everything accomplished... and call your parents, girl! ;)

    Happy Monday!

  2. I have such a bad habit of not putting my laundry away! That's on my list of goals this week as well.

    Loving your blog, I'm a new follower!

    Good luck on your goals and have a fantastic week!
