
Monday, December 17, 2012

Cookie swap prep

Just found out my department is doing a cookie swap on Friday. Hmmm.... Time to invade the Pinterest board o' sweets!

Holiday Confetti Cake Batter Cookies - it uses box cake mix, yay! I do like sprinkles...

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Spice Cookies - tried and true, always turns out well, easy easy easy...

Dark Chocolate & Mint Chip Clouds - only egg whites and sugar? Doesn't seem like they'd stay together...

Funfetti Cake Cookies -  you can bake yogurt? Hmm. This IS from the same blog that brought us Funfetti dip...

Decisions, decisions...


  1. those are the fun sorts of decisions!

  2. the egg white and sugar will make basically a meriuge (sp?) and bakes well. Yummy flavor and texture. I haven't tried that particular recipe but I love meriuge cookies.

    look for strawberry cool whip cookies too. easy. basically strawberry cake mix (dry) and cool whip and bake.

    1. Thanks I'll have to try them out then!

      Oo yum.. thanks for the tip! Found that on Pinterest, and pinned!
