
Monday, December 3, 2012

Sunday Confessions - Not on Sunday, again

1. I think I need to just call this my Weekly Confessions. This is my third time doing it and second time I've done it a day late. I have an excuse though! I felt under the weather yesterday. Woke up with a sore throat but pushed myself to deal with it because I had the Graffiti Run with a friend at 8. Got home, de-colored myself and my gear. Watched some tv. Went to eat lunch with the boyfriend and knew then something had me. My tastebuds were totally dead. I only ate half a burger and about a third of my shake. The rest of it is still in my freezer. Laid down for a nap at 3:30 and was pretty much out the rest of the day. Still feeling it today but not nearly as bad. Just have a headache and my nose is all stopped up. Definitely sinus congestion. Blah. Boyfriend was a total sweetheart. He got me water and medication and then left me be!

2. I am in love with colorful runs! I did the Color Run in November, the Graffiti Run yesterday. Signed up for Color in Motion in February... They're so much better than mud runs. Not as gross, clean up is so much easier, and they're just so happy! Look how cool this is! And I'm pretty sure they are all based on the Holi festival celebrated by Hindus in early spring. Maybe I just need to go to India or Nepal to see the real color throws.

Not my picture, got it from here: My picture of the big color throw at the end was not nearly this nice. But the color throw itself was just as awesome!
Here's a pic of my friend and me who walked together. They had out a box of pink (and green, but we didn't get to it) powder to play in pre-race. So our before pictures are colorful too:

Crazy girls, me and Dede!

 3. Still on track to do Zumba twice this week... tomorrow and Thursday. Just need to feel better. Can you sweat away feeling bad?

4. I need to cook more. I was a bad girlfriend last week. We ate out a lot (helping the economy?). I was supposed to cook some chicken curry thing yesterday but I realized halfway through my nap the chicken was still in the freezer and I also couldn't get myself out of bed to do anything with it.

5. I need to hunt down which grocery stores have a bulk candy section because I want to buy Jelly Belly jelly beans (of my own flavor choice) and keep them at work. I have some now but I'm down to the hard-to-recognize colors/flavors and the ones that I can recognize, I just don't like that much. They're so nice to have at work -- so easy to turn down sweets when you can go back to your desk and enjoy a delicious chocolate pudding or Dr. Pepper or peach jelly bean (or 2 or 3 or 10). Fat free, gluten free, 4 calories a bean!
I had the brilliant idea this weekend to go to the Galleria... dragged the boyfriend because it's dangerous to go to a candy store alone. We were going to eat lunch at E-Tao and then head to Dylan's Candy Bar. Well.... we made it to the Galleria, after sitting in traffic for about 20 minutes on Westheimer to go 1 mile. In the parking garage we couldn't find a spot so we went over to the orange garage and STILL couldn't find a spot. So I finally admitted defeat, admitted my boyfriend was right and this was a terrible idea (at least for this time of year -- any other day it would have been a great, well-thought out plan!) and we went to Chipotle.
So yea... Still need jelly beans. And now every time I want to eat I want E-Tao because for the next 22 days, I CAN'T HAVE IT! Stupid Galleria.


  1. our kroger has bulk candy (I think). I love to combine chores/errands, so you could take a walk to candylicious when you're in rice village for the pub crawl...

    I hope you feel better soon. I blame K's students :)

    1. The Candylicious in the Village did not have bulk candy. It's really just a small section in the Chocolate Bar. I have been told (by a Chocolate Bar employee) that the Candylicious on W. Alabama does have bulk candy dispensers.

  2. I have never heard of a colour run but it looks like a lot of fun!

    1. They're awesome and there are so many now. Check out Groupon for deals on them, I've gotten 2 there in the last few months.

  3. I so want to do a color run! They look like a blast. Question: do you breathe in the chalk stuff they throw? My only concern is that I'd choke to death and die. Because, you know, that's totally possible and likely.

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. You do but it's not that bad. When you're on the 5k and you're about to go through a color zone, it's easy enough to close your eyes and breathe out for a minute or so while you get assaulted with powder.

      The powder is some corn starch base so what you do breathe in is non-toxic. It makes your mouth feel a little dry and the back of your throat kind of ... soft and powdery but I found that a few ounces of water helped with that.

      The most I breathed in the powder was at the end when about 500 people grouped up together and we all threw packets of powder up in the air around the same time. The powder takes awhile to settle out. It's really fun, and I highly recommend it.

      If you are concerned about breathing in the powder, you could wear one of those face masks. You know the ones, doctors and nurses wear them during surgery, everyone had them when there was fear of SARS and the swine flu... I think you'd only really need it during the color throw though.
