
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday Confessions

It's that time again! That was a seriously fast week... It's been a seriously fast weekend too but it's been so great. Love this time of year! So many parties.... I've gotten to spend more time with people I haven't seen in weeks, find out what's going on in their life... So great.

1. I finally got my jelly beans! I was running various errands yesterday and doing Christmas shopping, and heading to Candylicious on West Alabama was on my list but I really didn't want to go there because it was across town from everything else I was doing and no other errand required me to go that direction. So I was heading back on Westheimer, out past the Beltway and I passed an HEB and thought to myself, that seems like a pretty big HEB. I wonder... So I pulled in, parked, hunted down their candy aisle...

It's like the promised land. Or something.
2. It's raining and I want it to stop. I need to go to the store soon to get stuff for crockpot chili (I'm planning to do this recipe) and I hate driving in the pouring rain. Other drivers are crazy when it's raining...

3. I am almost finished with my Christmas shopping! I need to go to one more store to get my dad's present and that's it.

4. Funfetti dip gathers new fans! I made it for a party on Friday night. I was bored and it didn't seem colorful enough so I dug in the pantry to see what I had and added red sprinkles. I'm going to get green ones so I can make it red and green sometime and call it my Christmas Snow Dip!
Here is the recipe for Funfetti for those of you who may have missed it on my earlier blog post.

5. I had a dream last night about reconciling with a friend who I essentially "broke up with" years ago. The dream was absolutely crazy. She was taller, and a mother now, and had an accent that she'd picked up from the foreign guy she married a few years ago. It made absolutely no sense. But now I'm going to thinking about her all week. Stupid dream!

6. I love the little clementines that arrive in all stores around the holiday season. So delicious  so easy to peel! I get one whiff of that delicious citrus smell and my mind is swept away to CHRISTMAS TIMES, YAY! That smell just reminds me of Christmas. It's really interesting how closely connected to our memories our scent of smell.

I've always seen them named Cuties. Maybe Cuties are from Florida, Sweeties are from California?


  1. Jelly beans! Oh man, now I want some, look at all those beautiful colors! :)

    Yum for crockpot chili, we just made some earlier this week, too. Chili is just so comforting and yummy.

    Happy Sunday!

  2. I'm so with you on the rain. I just got back in from walking to the corner store and I'm so upset... I have so many chores today that involve being outside walking... and now I don't wanna!

  3. I'm making Crock Pot chili right now!

    I "broke up" with a friend many years ago, and every once in a while I'll have a dream about her, too. At first it would make me feel really weird and uncomfortable for the rest of the day, but as time goes on, I don't have dreams about her as much. So that helps.

    I've never heard of Funfetti Dip but now I'm intrigued!

  4. my guess, the clementines are all just different brands - i've bought cuties, and other random names, whatever is available. i love em too!
