
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hiatus over!

Whoops, I disappeared again. Sorry about that. What have been I been up to in the almost month since my last post?

All Star Weekend! What an amazing and exhausting weekend! So many people, so much great people watching, so many great events... I worked with retail that weekend, so I was here from 4-midnight Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I saw a bunch of people who I was pretty sure I was supposed to know who they are but, whoops, I didn't know. I could tell they were "someone" though by how many cameras followed them around. And man the bling! So many people were checking out and had their hand on the counter and all I saw was bling from championship rings. NBA and NFL I'm quite sure.
Yea, some of these are familiar.
Not my image by the way, I got it from Hoopism. As promised, here are some more pictures from the building, as decorated by the NBA.

Side of the building, near the box office

Front of the building - my favorite!

To the left of the front of the building, near the Team Shop

Continuation of the last pic

The Beard!! (Lol, first I typed The Bard)

My boyfriend got me a beautiful orchid for Valentine's Day and it's still alive!! I need to take pictures to prove that fact (I have no green thumb. More like a black thumb) but here are pics from when I got it:
Moth Orchid OF LOVE
All of the buds have since opened... Well. All except for one but it never had a chance. It broke off the main stem when I was putting it in my car to take home at the end of the week.
 The Thursday after All Star I worked the P!nk concert. So much great people watching!! And that woman sounds amazing live. Her body is sick. Such an inspiration. I even ran into a friend at the show while I walking the building, selling programs. It was the first time I'd seen her since I cut and dyed my hair (had it dyed professionally). Oh yea that's another thing I did -- I don't even remember when, but I changed my hair! It's a nice coppery red now. Ready for spring!
 The weekend after All Star, the boyfriend and I headed to Austin to see my brother and sister-in-law for my sister-in-law's birthday -- 30! My brother was able to arrange a surprise party for her. She knew my parents were coming up for the weekend, she did not know Chris and I were heading up. We showed up on Friday with the story that oh, we were just swinging by that night on our way to the hotel, we were spending the rest of the weekend with a friend who lives up there for law school. Boy was she surprised to see us the next day when we were supposedly doing a campus tour of UTA. Mwahaha. She also had no idea that my sister and brother-in-law were coming! So that was a lot of fun. My parents bought her a karaoke machine so the majority of the evening was spent on that.

The weekend was great... until Sunday when we were heading out. An engine warning light popped up Chris hadn't seen before, so we looked it up in the owners manual and saw that it was for the coolant level being too low so we swung by a store, bought some more, put it into the reservoir, and headed out... Only to go one block and the light comes on again and the reservoir is completely empty. Not good. Luckily we were able to find a Firestone nearby. Very long story short, the car would take a few days to be ready (first we were told one day, but there was some delay getting the part from a dealership) and I had to be in Houston the next day for time sensitive work things, so I was able to get a ride from my sister and brother-in-law (who are life savers - they drove about 45 minutes back into Austin to get me) and Chris was able to stay with my brother for the night. Then since his car wasn't ready, he was able to switch cars with his brother who goes to school in Austin, and drive home Monday. His car is actually still up in Austin but it is ready to come home! He'll switch again this weekend when his brother is home for Spring Break. Phew!'

I miss having Spring Break... I don't miss school, but I miss that week. Oh well. Only way I could have it now is to be a teacher or some other way work in a school and I don't think that's for me.

 This past weekend, Chris and I headed up to Dallas. Two of his friends up there just got a new house and had been asking him when he'd be able to come up and see it. I looked at my March calendar and remembered that my TRX training starts soon, so suggested that weekend. So we headed up with some friends (carpool power!) for a house warming party. Had a great time! Played some games, slept in, ate some good food, hung out with his friends more.... got serious house envy.

Soon, soon, one day soon Chris and I will get a house. I see it coming. I definitely want the next time I move to be into a house. An upstairs, a guest room, a game room, a big kitchen with an island and a wet bar... Serious house envy going on right now.

And on Saturday, the Kickstarter for the new season of Zombicide started so I stalked it on my iPad and pledged as soon as I could. Those early birds went fast!! So now I'm still stalking it, checking the new stretch goals and optional purchases. Can't wait to get that game.

And now I'm a little addicted to Kickstarter. In the last few days I've backed three more game projects that sound interesting. Check 'em out and if you're interested, back them too! Definitely recommend Zombicide. It's a solid co-op game.

Dragons Hoard - card game to fight your opponents, protect your treasure and maidens in your lair. Looks simple to learn, quick to play. Vaguely reminds me of Lost Cities.
Dungeon Roll - dice rolling game to delve into a dungeon and collect treasure and fight monsters and the dreaded dragon. Another simple to learn, quick to play one. Vaguely reminds me of Escape.
SUPERFIGHT! - party card comparison game, like Apples to Apples meets Cards Against Humanity. I enjoy Cards Against Humanity and a lot of my friends enjoy Apples to Apples, so I figured it was worth a shot.

And now I need to stop lurking Kickstarter. At least until these games fund and ship. Zombicide TCM and PO won't ship until September though... grar.

Oh and I'm helping to plan two baby showers. One in April, one in May.

So that's where I've been for the past month.On tap for this weekend? My TRX training starts Friday night -- was supposed to be Saturday but the trainers have something going on so the group was able to agree on a new time. That will be interesting... and hopefully help me get my workout routine in order. I'm working out friend tonight and it's the first time I've really worked out in... I don't want to say. I also have a games night with Chris' friends Saturday, and then I'm hosting outdoor volleyball this Sunday afternoon. And we lose an hour on Saturday night! Thank god. Love DST.

I should have a new recipe post in the next week or so... It's a surprise!

1 comment:

  1. welcome back! i take hiatuses pretty regularly...

    glad we could be lifesavers :)
