Friday, November 30, 2012


You know, everyone's all about this now...

But I'm still all about this from five years ago...

Why do I love these so much? I really don't know. Now I'm lurking all over the Gangham Style house's site, Listen to Our Lights, to see what else they've done.

By the way, this is another thing I do to usher in the holidays. Watch the TSO house lights show on Youtube. Reminds me of Christmas growing up. Dad would play Manheim Steamroller and Transiberian Orchestra CD's all day long. I think it annoyed the heck out of my brother and sister but I liked it. Though I do remember one year we all bought him new CD's so we could hear some new songs.

Happy Friday!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pub Crawl! The things I do to get a free glass (prt 2)

Just got the email with St Arnold's next pub crawl information so this is yet another placeholder post for me to figure out these bar clues and then map out a route.

The first four locations (at which we will be simultaneously between 2:30 PM and 5:30 PM):
  • We'll find three places in the southern Morningside area but north of University. Two are on the east side of the street and one on the west side. Hint: Ginger baker wood.
    • Ginger Man - 5607 Morningside
    • Bakerstreet Pub - 5510 Morningside
    • Little Woodrow's - 5611 Morningside
  • We'll find one place around Rice Blvd and Kirby. You'll have to wing this one. 
    • Nailed that one - Buffalo Wild Winds - 2525 Rice Boulevard
At 5:30 PM, we'll look for one final place in the Morningside area, perhaps a little north of the others, but still staying south of Rice Blvd and on the east side of Morningside.
    •  Not sure on this one, don't see that many locations... Brian O'Neill's is just barely north of Bakerstreet....
Hmmmm. Anyone? Anyone? 

Maybe have to just figure out the final location that night. O'Neill's makes sense. There aren't that many large bars around.

 Plan... Go to Rice Village around 2, eat at Jason's Deli or Le Madeline's or Black Walnut or D'Amico's or wherever... I'm afraid everyone will be eating at Buffalo Wild Wings. Then proceed to BWW and then to the Morningside locations!

So.... I'm not a millionaire.

Like many others today, I did not become a millionaire last night at 10:59pm EST when the Powerball lottery numbers were drawn for the $550M jackpot. Shocking. I know! The odds were so in my favor!

The odds, from Powerball's site:

 Powerball - Prizes and Odds

Match Prize Odds
1 in 175,223,510.00
1 in 5,153,632.65
1 in 648,975.96
1 in 19,087.53
1 in 12,244.83
1 in 360.14
1 in 706.43
1 in 110.81
1 in 55.41

The overall odds of winning a prize are 1 in 31.85.
The odds presented here are based on a $2 play (rounded to two decimal places).
Why isn't the chance of winning $4 at 1 in 35? Click here for FAQ.

I knew the jackpot was pretty high so yesterday, when one of my coworkers came around and asked if I wanted to enter the pool with $10, I said sure why not. Eight of us went in so we ended up buying 40 tickets and guess what! None of them won anything!

But that's okay.. I'm rich in so many other ways. I don't need millions of dollars. I only wanted the money so how rich I am financially could match how rich I am spiritually, emotionally, etc. Well.... $550M, was really worth $320M net... then divided 8 ways.. $40M would have been a nice start to match how rich I am financially to how rich I am in every other way.
  • I have my wonderful friends -- too many to name! They're funny, they're supportive, they keep me active.
  • I have my wonderful family -- my parents have raised me to be someone they can be proud of and I can be proud of. They are always supportive. My sister is one of my best friends. My brother is my fellow adventurous spirit. And I cannot forget my siblings-in-law. The perfect matches for my siblings. Gotta love seeing those I love happy!
  • I have my wonderful job -- working at a place I never imagined I'd work. For a professional sports team? Crazy! I still remember my thoughts when I saw the job opening when I was searching.  I was chatting with one of my best friends at the time on Yahoo Instant Messenger, and going through my job postings emails, and thought, wow they're hiring. Ha, they'd never hire me. And she said something that was very true - "They'll definitely never hire you if you don't apply." Truer words have never been said! You have to go for your dreams. You never know when you'll actually snare one. Every day is different... I never know who I'll run into in this building. I never know what swag I'll get! The organization culture is very close and friendly. My coworkers are all great and easy to talk to and easy to work with. And most importantly, I know I'm appreciated. And I appreciate that!
  • I have my health. And I have a game plan to make that health even healthier!
  • I have my kitty. My goofy kitty who is always nudging her face against my Kindle, annoying me because it's hard to read when she's bumping it, but it just means she wants my attention.
  • And last. And very certainly not least. I have my boyfriend. My awesome awesome sweet boyfriend of 1 year, 2 months, and 13 days (no that's  not creepy... I just did the math right now, I don't wake up every day with that count updated in my head). Some days I cannot believe I met him and he fell in love with me. Me! He just gets me. And supports me. And surprises me. And makes me laugh. And I can't wait to continue our life together... even if he does leave his dirty socks on the floor. Not all the time. I think just when he wants to remind me he's human. Or when he wants to annoy me.
So there we go. A little belated "what I'm thankful for" post. Hey Thanksgiving was last week but it's still November! People on my Facebook are still posting their days of thanks posts every day. (Only two more days of that...)

Still... my cut of the $550M jackpot would have been nice to add to that list!

In other news.... one of my friends is taking his (hopefully!) last exam for the CPA certification tomorrow. We'll be partying it up with him tomorrow night in celebration now that he can end his studying quarantine! Chris is going to make a cheesecake for his parents who are getting back from China tomorrow evening. I am going to try a curry recipe using a sauce mix his parents gave us awhile ago. I'm hoping it turns out close to how the curry is at Tokyo Bowl in Clear Lake. We've been there a few times with his parents. So tasty!!

I am almost finished with my Christmas shopping. I need to buy a few things -- to Bed Bath & Beyond I will go! With coupons in hand! Then I need to see where Chris is on his shopping.

Got an interesting email last night from Pinterest: Texas Parenting Magazine invited you to start pinning to the board, Texas - Food and Recipes. I was very surprised and a little freaked out at first. It's like getting a parenting magazine in your mail. Or worse. Anything about menopause. Um, hello, last I checked, I don't have children -- I'm not interested in anything Parenting related!!! But I left the email marked as unread and came back to it this morning to check out the board: Texas food and recipes

Um. Yum. So I accepted the invitation. Don't read too much into things, it just means 1) I have lots of awesome food on my Pinterest board and 2) I'm in Texas.

I already have my first contribution to the board! I was pretty excited when I saw this pin: Crock Pot Cinnamon Almonds but when I clicked on it to see the original recipe, it doesn't say how long to cook them. Um that's a little important... So I did some searching of my own and pinned this one: Slow Cooker Cinnamon Almonds. With cooking level and time, yes! And the recipes are exactly the same, ha. So I will definitely be trying that recipe this holiday season! Expect updates when I do.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blogger book club - She's gone, move on

I was very excited to see that a blog I read often and that does the Sunday Confession link ups hosts a Blogger book club and this month's book is actually one I've already read. It's also one I plan on recommending to my in-person book club to read in February. So I decided to join in.

BTW, points to whoever can name the reference to my blog entry title!

The book is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I've read one of her other books Dark Places and really enjoy her writing style and story telling. Now that I've ready two of her books I need to read the third, Sharp Objects.

I'm going to try to keep this post rather spoiler-free because I would NOT have wanted to be spoiled for this book. So I'll return the favor. I really enjoyed this book. It sucked me in pretty early on and I could not put it down and once I got about a third-way through, it really drew me in and there was no way I could stop reading it. What's surprising about how much I liked this book as by the end, I didn't like any of the characters much, which usually throws me out of a book, but for this one, I kept right on rolling. While I didn't like them much, I still wanted to know how it would all play out.

The end was a little frustrating but I wouldn't call it a let down. I honestly could not have thought of a better ending. It's really almost the perfect ending for a story like this.

Definitely check this book out. I think most people would enjoy it. And the more people read it, the more I can talk about it!

Spoilers in the comments are fine, I just wanted to keep them off the main entry. So see that people? You've been warned. Spoilers in comments!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sunday Confessions - 1 day late, shhhh

Totally forgot to do my Sunday Confessions on Sunday. Oh well here we go.

1. I wasn't feeling great yesterday -- at first I was afraid I caught what my brother-in-law had over the holiday, but I'm feeling okay today so I think it was just some sinus congestion crap -- so I restarted playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (I finally finished playing Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword just on Saturday -- such a beautiful ending! It took a year to play, cos it came out last year around Thanksgiving but I hadn't played since February so it's not like I played every day and it took a year. It only took about 60 hours total play time. Haha.) I played Twilight for about 6 hours straight... yea. I'm so cool. The sad thing is, 6+ hours of play time and I'm only to the second dungeon...

2. I noticed today when I logged in, this blog has had over 500 hits! That makes me super happy. I'm a bit of a hit counter stats stalker. Looking back at the history, it looks like it hit the 500th page view/hit on Thanksgiving. :) More happy! So whoever you were, thanks for visiting! Not too shabby for this little blog being around just over a month and I'm still feeling out my niche in the interwebz world.

3. I love Living Social/Groupon/Amazon Local/whatever deals! I recently bought a Xumba deal on Living Social for Tropa Z Fitness and I went to my first class last week -- had to work out a little before the smorgasbord of food! -- and I loved it! It's very high intensity and I was a little sore the next day, which is exactly what I need. It's even better that I ran into one of my friends there and she goes there about twice a week. New workout buddy! So my plan is to try to go there twice a week, work up to three times a week. My friend goes Monday and Tuesdays... Tuesdays would be good for me. My next three Mondays are already booked... Maybe Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday mornings. They have Zumba M-Th at 7pm and on Saturday morning around 10. I love that schedule! I can work with that schedule!

4. Looking over the list of books I've read recently, I think I'm a little zombie obsessed...
World War Z
Zone One (reading it now)
The Walking Dead - graphic novel volumes 1-16
The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor
And I have so many more zombie-centric books I want to read... No wonder one of my favorite games of Chris' is Zombicide. Right up my alley! And it's a co-op game.

5. Is it Christmas yet? I love Thanksgiving but this year it was a little different, since as I've mentioned, my brother and sister-in-law couldn't make it. It was so nice to get to spend time with family... My boyfriend hasn't gotten a lot of face time with my parents so that was great. Although a little eerie at times when I started seeing some similarities between my father and my boyfriend... mainly how they like to tease me and their love of puns. Oh the puns. So many puns....

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I've been looking forward to this weekend all year. I love this weekend, love the holidays! Love getting to spend time with the family. Too bad that it won't be the full family... my brother couldn't get off work and my sister-in-law has to work the rest of the weekend so it'll be Chris' first Thanksgiving with the Bosche family but not the full family. Maybe that'll be better... ease him in slowly? I've been told my family can be a little overwhelming.

So today is just lazy... Slept in a little, read a little, took a nap, started my overdue laundry. I'm working on making my chocolate chip pumpkin spice cookies again. Chris is going to make a pumpkin cheesecake later. And then we're heading to his uncle's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Later tonight we're going to drive up to my sister's house and we'll have Thanksgiving lunch tomorrow.

Used my new kitchen toy - medium cookie scoop. It definitely makes the the cookies cuter.

My ingredients!

My tools! One of which has not been used

Now it's been used.

Cute little rounded cookies!
Here's the recipe I used, plus I add semi-sweet chips.

I have no idea what we're eating tonight but here is the menu for tomorrow. So much food.. yum. So many desserts! We even cut the food a little - we originally were going to have a ham.

Recipes to follow later... 

Mashed potatoes
Sweet potato casserole
Green beans - I also add finely chopped bacon
Cajun rice dressing

Five cup salad
Cherry coke salad
Pumpkin pie
Pecan pie
Chocolate pie
And my cookies!

Chris and I are planning to bring some games with us to my sister's house. I'm thinking about introducing my sister and brother-in-law to Zombicide.

Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Me, Myself, and I - link up party #1 (for me)

Holiday questions make me happy.

1. What are your top 5 favorite movies to watch during the Holidays?
I really only have two movies I watch almost every holiday season -- A Christmas Story. A classic. Thanks TBS! I watch this in bits and pieces, every Christmas Day when home with the family. "You'll shoot your eye out!" And Love Actually. For several years now, a friend and I usher in the holiday season by watching this movie "together". She lives in California, I live in Texas. We pop it into the DVD player at the same time, queue it up, and just enjoy the fluffy holiday good times. I usually add in hot chocolate to my viewing.

2. It’s the month of giving thanks, what are you most thankful for?
Family, family, family! I have the most amazing family. We're very close and get along. My sister is one of my best friends.
My parents. I know, yes they're part of my family, but they have their own spot. I owe so much to them, I really cannot express in words how much I am thankful for the parents I was blessed with. They raised me right. They offered me opportunities a lot of people aren't lucky enough to have... They put up with me when I was a bratty teenager. They've never let me give up on myself.

3. If there was a quote or verse to describe your life, what would it be?
"The best part of life is not just surviving, but thriving with passion and compassion and humor and style and generosity and kindness."
 -Maya Angelou

4. Who in your family are you most alike?
Probably my sister. 

5. What is your favorite drink order at Starbucks?
I honestly don't go to Starbucks much when whenever I do, if I have a gift card or whatever, there are really only two things I order, depending on the season:
Hot Vanilla (when it's cold) - think hot chocolate, but vanilla. Steamed milk and vanilla and sugar. And that's it. Yum.
Passion Fruit Lemonade Tea, sweetened (for the other 350 days in the year when it's not cold here in Houston, TX) - I discovered this drink when I worked at Target years ago, and we have a Starbucks in the store. The grocery ETL brought venti's of this for everyone. Yum!

Guest Blog - Board Game Geek Con Recap (part 1)

So as I've mentioned my boyfriend was at a board game convention in Dallas most of last week and I told him he needs to write up a recap/review of the games he played. Maybe I could post it as a guest blog! And he did. So I am.

The con: Board Game Geek Con


Landed and met with Astrolad for Netrunner goodness. Played many games with him over the course of the con, and some of the longest Netrunner ones I've had too. We almost decked the corp twice lol. One card I'd like to see for the Corp in an upcoming expansion would be something like:
Back to the Drawing Board
Cost: 3
Draw a card. Return up to two cards from your hand back to R&D, then shuffle R&D.
This way the Corp isn't completely screwed if they draw into 3-4 agendas early in the game.


Registration line was looooong when it opened but cleared up around noon.

Le Havre

Finally got to play this and it's a really good worker placement game. We cut it short to make time for playing others, but I'm sold to play this anytime someone is offering.


Not too bad. I definitely see this as a 4 player only game, and I see what GAFers are talking about with the arena thing being a little bad, but if your defense/attack is high enough then you're likely okay just charging in and giving them the first hit anyway. Would love to play this more and test out different strategies, but I don't think it's at a 'must play again now' sort of level.

Shadows of Camelot

BSG level of betrayal goodness. I ended up as the traitor this game and probably played it too passively. Things were actually looking pretty good for me so I didn't see a point to revealing as I get a bonus for staying hidden the entire game too. We were down to 2 swords from losing Excalibur and everyone was split with the grail half corrupted. Astrolad was teaching the game and one of the randoms we played with accused him of being traitor right off the bat for "not being clear with rules explanation" lol. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to evoke enough emotion for everybody else to accuse him in turn for his gaffe to get another free accusation out of it, and waited too long to accuse him myself. Another mistake I made was probably helping out with the Grail quest for 2 turns instead of 1. Most of the game I just wasted time by drawing cards (I held 3 of the 7 available Merlins in my hand for a majority of the game) and advancing evil w/o giving myself away. The evil cards didn't roll my way though so in the end Good prevailed at 7 white swords to 5 black. Would play again but man, we either had an easy game this go-around or the traitor really has to play perfectly to win.


I ran down early to take part in the Escape Experience, but the line was kinda long and I didn't realize they had 8 tables of 5 playing so it really wouldn't have been more than a 10 minute wait, so I went to the Queen booth instead to learn/play it.

Escape from the Cursed Temple

This game is fun. At least for the first couple times anyway. For a first time play, you feel really frantic because you're unsure of a lot of things and the soundtrack really adds a lot to the experience, and just barely eking out an escape or reaching safety in the last few seconds feels really really good. Unfortunately, I think the base game ends up being too easy once you get a better hold of your faculties. I played the game about 5-6 times over the course of the con and each one was progressively easier. Tried a few times with the curse mode and while they add difficulty, it adds enough that it feels almost impossible. With the curse model you're solving curses on your own and getting 3/5 die or more often 3/4 (because of that always locked die *shakefist*) can be a real chore to do for 2/3s of every explorable tile. I feel it takes away from the 'fun' aspect of the game which is also the main reason I would want to play escape.

Descent 2.0

Pretty good dungeon crawler. We played on and off during the con, completing 3 and a half missions total. The adventurers and the DM both level up from each mission, raising difficulty to match the hero upgrades. As an adventurer, it felt like all the missions were stacked against us, even the one we eventually won. But thinking back on it there were a few tactical mistakes we made that probably would've won us the mission otherwise. Aside from the normal hack and slash aspect, I'd say the game is best if you can get starting gold/XP to customize your character, or play a campaign or two to build your character from scratch. The game plays pretty fast once your party can decide what to do. I'd say about 20 minutes for set-up/teardown combined and about 40 minutes per map (some encounters have more than 1 map).


It's a video game and not a board game, but I played it at the con so I'll put it here. If you don't know what it is, imagine Star Trek. Now imagine the main room with the Captain telling the crew what they need to do. This game is exactly like that. You and a team of 5 others take positions as Captain, Helm, Tactical (weapons), Science, Comms, and Engineering to pilot a starship around your sectors of the galaxy and defending it from the invading enemies. It requires good communication between all stations as well as good orders from your captain. For example, I was the helm and after getting the heading to a friendly station, I had to turn our ship around in order to fly that direction after a command of "Helm set course to bearing 270, warp speed". Well I didn't realize our Engineering team could control my maneuverability and was turning really slow to do a full 180 because Engineering was still getting used to the station and had turning at minimum capacity. After 5 seconds of turning and not moving forward I received 2 more repeated commands of, "Warp speed to bearing 270, helm". I said fuckit, if the captain wants warp speed, he gets warp speed and hit the warp drives at my current heading. This ran us headlong into a minefield and nearly into an asteroid field, taking out our warp drives and we spent 5 minutes trudging back to DS1 half a sector away at impulse speed to get repaired lol.

This is turning out to be a lot to type so I'll do a recap of the second half of the con later.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday Confessions - Over the Edge

I've seen other people do this on their blog every Sunday so thought I'd give it a try. And this is linked up on Every Day is a New Adventure - go check it out for other Sunday Confessions and new blogs! I found some I'm going to follow.

I must confess...

1. I love doing things with charity - make it even better when it's adventurous things! Yesterday I went Over the Edge for Special Olympics Texas. I raised just under $1500 for Special Olympics and then I rappelled down a 20 story building. My sister and I went to a VIP meet and greet cocktail hour on Friday and the MC there explained how Over the Edge relates to Special Olympics. I'd never thought of it this way... let's see if I can the verbiage right.

"For Special Olympians, these are people who were told that they'd never be able to do things like this. But they push themselves to the edge of their fears and go past it. So we put together this special event for volunteers to raise money and push themselves past their fears and go Over the Edge!" Or something like that. It was really poignant.

Here are some pictures. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of pictures because I had to turn in my phone right when I got there, because we can't have any loose items in our pockets when we rappel.

My Everest the morning of!
Someone rappelling!
The hardest part - leaning your weight out over the air and getting all of your weight into the harness.
Walk down the building! Easy, right?
2. I have been a little bum this week, while my boyfriend's been out of town. I've been marathoning old episodes of Modern Family. Turns out I hadn't seen the first 3 episodes of season 2! Marathoning tv shows is one of my guilty pleasures. I find a do it a lot less now that I live with someone.

3. I need to workout more. And eat less sweets. 

4. I miss my boyfriend. He's been in Dallas for a board game convention since Tuesday. It's been weird basically living alone again. Kind of nice to have the place to myself but definitely a little lonely. It'll be good to have him back -- he flies back in tonight!

5. Um... I don't know. Oh. This is one of the first years in a long time that I'm not finished with my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving is even here. But hey, there's still time! I really need to figure out my shopping list. I have ideas for people I just need to finalize it. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Maintain, don't gain!

At work, we're having a holiday challenge with our One Life Wellness program - Maintain, Don't Gain!

I did a weigh in on Thursday (Nov 15) and I'll do another weigh in at the end of the holidays, on January 3rd. If my weight is +/- 2 pounds of our November weight, congratulations! I didn't go crazy over the holidays and gain that average 5 pounds!

I am not putting my weight here. That is between me, the scale, and the One Life Wellness committee member who logged the weights in yesterday. 

I'm trying to be ambitious and am hoping to LOSE pounds over the holidays. I am not off to a good start though. I had McDonald's today. Mmm. So tasty, so bad for me.

So time to get my game plan together!
  1. Plan out my meals for the week better -- bring my lunch more. Don't end up having no clue what I'm doing for lunch so I end up at the closest, and probably worst, place.
  2. Exercise -- at the very least twice a week! I bought a Living Social deal for a Zumba place near me I want to start. I've looked at their membership pricing and it's really not too bad. Maybe I can check them out next Tuesday. Also soon, one of my good friends who is my workout buddy gets back from her Latin American cruise. Yes - workout buddies are the best. I need more of them. 
  3. Take it easy with the holiday eating. Remember what you learned in the Healthy Holiday Eating class work held: at parties, survey the entire spread of food, THEN choose what to eat. Have a small plate. Put three things on the plate, then get AWAY from the food and eat. Eat sitting down, not standing up -- research actually shows you eat less if you do this. Odd huh?  Choose your treats wisely -- pass on the items you could have every day and indulge instead in the holiday-specific treats that your friends and family members really only make once a year.
That's pretty much my game plan. Very simple yet would go so far. It's a game plan I've had for awhile, I just have my good weeks with it... and my terrible ones. I have no plans tonight though. I'll probably just do a quick errand, make sure I have everything I need tomorrow to go Over The Edge with Special Olympics Texas (cannot believe that's tomorrow!!! I'm rappelling down a 22 story building!) and then maybe squeeze in a quick workout. Wii Zumba or since the weather is so cold, do a walk around the block. The only problem with the walking option is it gets dark so early now! I hate it! Maybe I'll just work with my resistance band some - found this playlist on Youtube that has a lot of Xertube resistance cord exercises that look easy to do while at home, watching TV.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How do I love thee, let me count the ways

This weekend was totally Chris' moment to shine and prove how awesome he is and how lucky I am to have him! And not just once -- three times!

* Saturday -- So on Friday night, I picked up the packets for The Color Run for myself, Chris, and my sister, who was doing the colorful 5K with us. The Color Run, btw, was AWESOME! But more on that later. I also bought some Color Run merchandise so when I got home, I had four bags total. Popped on the overhead light, gathered up my bags, and headed upstairs for an evening in. Next morning, I head down to my car to run some errands and ... uh oooh, car won't start. That's right -- in that last sentence, I didn't type that I turned off the interior light. That's because I didn't. Left it on all night, ran the battery down. Went back up stairs, told Chris what was up, he handed over his keys to let me borrow his car for my errands and said we'd jump it later. So I went on about my errands and later that night, after a successful pub crawl, we decided to jump my car. Got everything hooked up, and I turn the key, and nothing. So I'm frustrated and thinking something else is wrong with my car but I can't imagine what and Chris says hold on, changes where the cable is hooked to ground and says try again. Boom. Ignition, engine starts. I hadn't hooked up the ground to a metal UNpainted part of the car. Way to save that damsel in distress, boyfriend of mine!

* Sunday -- On Sunday we did The Color Run. Had a blast! Now, you must keep in mind that 5K's are not my boyfriend's thing, or getting really dirty for the fun of it, and neither is waking up early. And the Color Run included all of that. And Chris was a total trooper about it and had a lot of fun. And we got some super cute pictures from it. Now do I expect him to do it again? Haha no. He said on a scale of 1 to 10, it was a 6. But hey. I'll take it. Brownie points for him!

* Monday -- Yesterday Chris was off because he's going to a board game convention later this week so decided to take the entire week off. Lucky! He had also extended the invite to me, because he registered for two spots, but it's not really my thing as much as it is some of his friends and also, I have my Over the Edge rappelling event this weekend -- no way in hell am I missing that! I also don't have that much vacation left. This week is also really busy at work. So since he had the day off I asked him to do some errands for me, which he did, without complaint:
Made dinner for me! Crockpot Monday!
Took the kitty to the vet for what I thought would be a quick follow up appointment. I took her to her annual exam about a month ago and they cleaned out her ears and gave me a cream for a minor ear infection she had, and also prescribed her pills for a thyroid issue she has now since she's an older kitty. They told me that I'd need to bring her in for a follow up in a few weeks so they could do blood work and make sure that the dosage of pills is right. Sometimes it takes a few tries. So Chris took her to the vet for me and when I got home, I saw the new pills, and new cream for her ears to clear up the infection the rest of the way .... and one thing I didn't expect on a mandatory follow up appointment. A $200 bill. Which I had not expected, so had not warned Chris about -- I told him the pills would cost about $10 which I'd pay him back for, or pay for dinner when it wasn't my turn or something. And he paid it! And didn't even mention it to me in complaint or anything. That's my boyfriend -- he's really not a complainer. Which is a great thing.

So. That's my weekend. Full of daily reminders of why I'm so lucky to have Chris in my life!