Friday, December 7, 2012

2013 Reading Challenge!

I am making this reading challenge to myself -- feel free to challenge yourself as well. If you do, let me know!

I already do the Goodreads Annual Reading Challenge -- in 2011 and 2012 but I really want to read more classic novels and literature. Because some of the stuff I read is not quality literature... but I don't care. I'll still read it!

So in addition to doing the Goodreads annual reading challenge, starting in 2013 and forward, I am going to challenge myself to read a certain number of books per year from the BBC Big Read list. It's a list that's.... 8 years old, but I think it holds up.

I also have the Big Read books in Goodreads lists -- Books 1-100 and Books 101-200

How to decide how many of the books should be from the Big Read? Hm... Easy!

2013 - 3 books from BBC Big Read (Or 13? I don't know if I'm that ambitious...)
2014 - 4 books from BBC Big Read
And so forth. I'll figure out 2020 when I get to it. (2019 - 9 books. 2020 - .... 20 books?)


  1. I'm surprised that everything on that list is fiction. Personally, I don't have the patience for fiction (unless it involves zombies or apocalypse apparently)

    1. I've never really been one for non-fiction.
