Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday! No more quarantine!

It's Friday!!!

It's also the first day of the week I really feel normal again. And healthy. I had a sore throat on Sunday when I woke up for the Graffiti Run and powered through it. And then slept for most of Sunday as I mentioned in my blog earlier this week. Monday and Tuesday, powered through work cos I had things I needed to get done and slept long hours in the evening. Tuesday I went to Buffalo Wild Wings to meet up with friends figuring I'd order some wings some a spice sauce -- spice is good for clearing sinuses, right? After I left BW3, I went to get some serious meds. Wednesday I left work early because I finished my very time sensitive work for the week and figured this is dumb, I need rest, I need to recover. That is what sick time is for! Yesterday I was feeling much better... unfortunately not better enough to go to Zumba. Especially not when I had to spend an hour in traffic getting home! Ridiculous! So I was very bad this week with the working out... but I was sick. So leave me alone. I'm doing yoga tonight with a friend. Hot yoga! Sweat out the rest of my sicky toxins!

On Wednesday I did FINALLY cook the curry thing I'd been meaning to cook for about a week now...

How it's supposed to look - per the box.
How mine looked... Hmm.
It's actually pretty good. Cut up about 2.5 pounds of chicken into little chunks (I was supposed to cube it -- time consuming!!), a whole yellow onion into small chunks, two red bell peppers into chunks. I kind of browned the onions and chicken in the pot in oil but not really. I am so bad at doing that. I always add too much oil and then it gets hot and starts popping and I get scared and take it off the heat and use the heated up oil to brown things. It's really probably hilarious to watch. I eventually gave up on it and continued on, dumping in the rest of the chicken and onion and bell pepper. I worry more about browning red meat than poultry. Then I added six cups of water and brought it to a boil and then it simmer, covered, for about 15 minutes. (I had a bag of little carrots to add but didn't -- it didn't seem like I had enough room in the pot for another veggie.) Then took it off the heat and broke up the curry mix into it and let them melt which turned it the brown color!

Grade for the curry sauce mix: B+. I'll buy it again. The first night it was really liquidy -- I probably should have added some flour or corn starch to the pot to thicken it but didn't want to deal with it. Actually as it cools though the sauce thickens up. It's thicker now than it was the first day. It's really handy and goes a long way. And is pretty tasty. I wish I could just make it myself because the sodium level on the boxed stuff is really high... But considering how much the entire pack makes, it's not terrible. Definitely not something I'll make every week. Is the curry I buy at Tokyo Bowl better? Yes. But you can't eat out every day!

The first night I made it we ate it over rice. Yum. Last night my boyfriend got creative and got out some of the leftover curry and some packs of ramen. Curry ramen noodles! Yum!

Yesterday was my holiday office party. We went ice skating and played broomball (senior manager went down!!!) and then had a raffle. I put in to win the CEO's courtside seats for a game, and an iPad... Didn't win a thing. They also raffled off, pulling from everyone's tickets, cash! Two $250, $500, and $1,000... Nope. No money for me. But it was all in good fun. Congrats to those who did win (grumble, grumble). I can't complain. When Chris and I went to his holiday office party, I won two free movie tickets from their raffle.

So now all of my chances to win a free iPad are gone for the season. Guess I should just buy one already. One black 32 gig iPad with retina display (just call it the iPad 4, Apple), coming up! Merry Christmas. To myself! This morning I was listening to my radio show on my drive to work and they were talking about a study that says women expect their partner to give them $480 worth of Christmas gifts. The formula is about 1% of the partner's annual salary. That is absolutely ridiculous. About a month ago Chris actually asked me, so you want an iPad, and I told him not to get one for me. Can he afford it? Yes, of course. Do I deserve it? Of course, I'm awesome! But that's way too much. He already has my love, he doesn't have to try to buy it.

All right, time to do some work. Then it's the weekend!!

Today -- lunch with my sister at Food truck Fridays! Yoga!
Then this weekend... Spa! Holiday book exchange with my book club! Pub crawl! Game night (maybe)! Dim sum! Ultimate Frisbee! Busy weekend.


  1. Seems to have been a rough week all around. Half my office was sick this week and I've been pretty pitiful myself.

    1. It's been going around. My sister was afraid I caught what my brother-in-law had over Thanksgiving weekend but I think mine was different. Just nasty sinus congestion caused by the weather that cannot decide what it's going to be.
