Monday, December 31, 2012

Sunday Confessions - Late again

Whoops late on this again. Oh well, better than last week where I didn't do it at all, right?

1. It's 7am on my day off and I'm awake. Sure why not. This is actually a regular occurrence for me now on the weekends and holidays it just still freaks me out a little bit. I used to be able to sleep in til noon no problem! (Actually it was a bit of a problem -- I'd intend to get up at 9, set alarms, and then it would be 1pm and I'd just then be getting out of bed wondering where had the day gone. Kinda miss those days.)

2. I'm a little freaked out that tomorrow is going to be 2013. That was a super crazy fast year! And one of the best... at least for me. I'm sad to see it go. But excited to see what the new year will bring!

3. One of my favorite things about a new year is setting my new Goodreads Reading Challenge. Here is my 2012 one and my 2011 one. It is driving me a little crazy the 2013 one isn't up yet. Come on, guys, don't make me wait until it's actually 2013 to set my goals!! A few weeks ago I decided on a new reading challenge (2013 reading challenge - BBC The Big Read list) and I've actually got a head start on one of the books! I started reading The Hobbit a few days after seeing the movie. I know, reverse order! I'm about halfway through. I've had to pace myself so I finish it in 2013 not 2012.

4. Valentine's Day, SLOW DOWN! You're not here yet! And stores need to stop making me think you're just around the corner! Sheesh... it's not even January yet. I say this because on Wednesday I was getting lunch at the Park Shops (think: mall) and saw this at the cookie place:
Seriously! Let December end first!
5. I went to a gag gift white elephant party this past weekend. I was honestly a little scared of what I might bring home but hey, we all went into it KNOWING it's a gag gift theme, so that's part of the fun. I brought Perfect Brownie baking set, you know it from As Seen on TV! I thought it was too perfect. Someone will want it. It's mildly useful. You'd never buy it yourself. But it's not complete garbage. That's how I go into purchasing for a gag gift white elephant. "What's something I'd want but never admit I want or know I want?"
I was #11 and there was nothing I really wanted to steal so I opened a new gift and first I got this gem:
Too kind! What I always wanted!
And Chris was the best boyfriend ever. He made it DISAPPEAR. (Ok here's what really happened. I had to go use the restroom so I left it with him to "guard" and told me to be sure to display it, so everyone knows how cool it is, and when I got back he's holding something else and said someone stole the mug. So did he really do anything? I don't know. There could have been some serious coercion while I was gone. I wasn't there. So he gets all the credit.)
So I ended up with this:
As Seen on TV stuff is the best for gag gifts.
I'm kind of excited about it... Okay excited is the wrong word. It's a vacuum attachment. Excited is definitely the wrong word. Anyway I need to use it. I plan to soon. I just first really need to empty out the vacuum canister before I vacuum anything again.

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