
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Fitness Pal - Grazing!

Another blog post from My Fitness Pal.

Okay I was terrible this Memorial Day Weekend with my eating and my logging. I couldn't log as I went like I usually do because I was up at a lake house that doesn't really have wifi and my phone's reception was sketchy so I couldn't use the app.

For the first day, I wrote things down that I ate on a list app on my phone and then I just said, screw it, it's vacation, and stopped. And I just sat down to try to log what I ate over Saturday and Sunday. I got most of it but I know not all of it. It's hard to remember what day did I have that handful of M&Ms? Did I have a handful of M&Ms every day? What about those goldfish crackers or peanut butter sandwich crackers when I was feeling snacky?

Oh well...

I will make it a mission to do better the next time I have a grazing-like situation! Which will be 4th of July weekend... 

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