
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My Fitness Pal - Walk to Wellness Wednesdays

This is a new health initiative that my wellness committee at work started. I like it!


Hello everyone,

On behalf of the Wellness Committee, we would like to introduce and encourage all of you to participate in WALK TO WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS starting TODAY.

For every Wednesday this summer, we encourage you to USE THE STAIR WAYS instead of the elevator. For those of you who already use the stair ways frequently, GOOD JOB AND KEEP IT UP. For those of you who don’t, TODAY IS THE DAY to start.

There will be signs to remind and encourage you all to WALK TO WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS. Thank you.

Fun Facts:
- Climbing just two flights of stairs everyday could result a loss of 2.7kg or 6lbs per year. Six flights a day could help you trim nearly 18 lbs.
- Adding stairs to your day can add years to your life. Studies show that risk of cardiovascular disease and death is lower among those who are regular Stair climbers.
- Stair climbing is a 'green' activity; the only energy source used is what is stored in our bodies.... good for you and the environment!


 So I got to work and headed over to the elevator up to my floor and there was a Walk To Wellness sign posted huge on it, staring me in the face, making me feel guilty if I took the elevator. So I didn't. I took three flights of stairs up to my office and now I'm sitting here with my breakfast of yogurt and a banana, feeling good!

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