Showing posts with label coworkers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coworkers. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2012

That's a Bingo!

Oh that's right, it's almost Bingo time!! So in honor of that, I treat you to a clip from one of my favorite scenes from Inglourious Basterds.

So a few weeks ago, one of my coworkers found out about a place in town that does Bingo every Thursday (this place, Houstonians, if you're interested) so she got together a small group of us to go tonight. Pretty excited! I love doing stuff with coworkers outside of work. It always amazes me how different people are out in their own element, outside of the office. I know I'm different.

A few days ago, my coworker who organized this (Megan) and another coworker who's going (Sonia) and I were talking about it and Megan asked if we were going to bring our significant others. I just laughed and shook my head and said, "No, I haven't even mentioned this to Chris. It's not his thing. I don't want to get The Face."

For those of you with a significant other, I think you know The Face I'm talking about. For those of you who have clue what I'm talking about, follow along. I think you'll understand very soon.

So that very night I'm hanging out with Chris at home and mentioned that after work on Thursday I would be home late because I was going to Bingo with some coworkers. Then I got it. The Face. So The Face is that look that guys get when you mention something, something that they'd never want to do. Every guy's Face is different, but for Chris it's always one eyebrow up and a quirk to his mouth. It's the look that says, 'Oh you know there's no way in hell I'm doing that.' There's shock and horror and pride in that look, pride because they KNOW they'd never do that sort of thing. But there's also a touch of fear in The Face... Fear that you will try to convince them to go. And they'll give in.

I also think the fear is there because they're afraid that they'll be convinced to go, and go, and LOVE it. 

So that's The Face. Tread carefully when you see it... But don't let it completely deter you! Sometimes they can be convinced to do things even if you get that look. It just takes a lot of work. And sometimes a few favors. And I know I like to pick my favors, and my fights, very very carefully.

So wish me luck tonight! I haven't played Bingo in awhile... And Megan was teasing Sonia and me earlier this week, that we wasted our luck on a raffle at work because we both won something, so yea. It's on. Bring it! Brought my A game. Got my game face on. And insert other cliche idioms here.