Showing posts with label games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label games. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Me Myself & I link up #3 and games!

Sheesh, I haven't done one of these since December? That's crazy! I have got to get back on track with my blogging.

1. Do you celebrate Saint Patrick's Day? How?
Lol, I don't really, not even close. I actually went to a brunch with some friends on Sunday and as I walked up to the table I muttered, 'Oh fuck I forgot to wear green'. Then as I hugged a friend I hesitated and told him not to pinch me or he gets no hug hello! He behaved. He did not pinch.
I really just don't understand the big deal about St. Patrick's Day. Maybe because of a number of factors...
a) I don't look great in green. I look good in teal but people always say that doesn't count. Pft.
b) I don't drink that much.
c) I'm not Irish. I'm French!
d) Green beer? GROSS.

2. It's March which means spring break! We want to know how your spring break went or if it hasn't happened yet, what will your spring break consist of? 
I don't really get a spring break. I'm not in education. March to me means March Madness (by the way, if you want to join my bracket group, you can! The group is here and it's just for fun, no money, and the password is "bracket time") and playoff push.
However I do have some friends who are teachers and some friends who are in law school and last week was their Spring Break, so I was able to spend time with friends who I don't see much. Trivia night, game night, brunch! Good times. It was nice their Spring Break all fell on the same week.
One thing that we did was successfully complete this Zombicide mission. I have played this mission three times now, with experienced gamers the first two times, and failed miserably the first two times. Here's the second time we played it:
Zombies, don't eat my friends!
Well crap I got eaten (top right, the teal figure on its side). Eat my friends so I'm not alone!
But we did it! I almost died, half of our team DID die, but we did it! Now I can retire from that mission. I have some pictures of the successful mission but they're on my iPad.

3. A Zombie Apocalypse happens and you're stripped of all your luxury items. What beauty product would you miss the most?
Whoa... eerie. It's like MM&I knows I love zombies. I would definitely miss a few items... I wouldn't miss mascara. Bleh. But I would miss Lush's Rub Rub Rub salt scrub and lotion in general. Scented, with cocoa butter, whatever. I just love lotion and hate dry scaly skin.
Maybe I should set up my zombie plan bunker safe spot in a Lush factory....

4. What is the one cause that you feel most passionate about?
(Does backing Kickstarter projects count? No? It should!)
For the last several years, my sister and I have participated in the March of Dimes March for Babies walk. As more of my friends get pregnant, and I look forward to the days when that will be me too, I realize the importance of the work March of Dimes does. Every woman should be able to have a healthy pregnancy and if they do everything right, not have to worry about having birth defects or premature labor.

5. What's the #1 most played song on your ipod? 
I actually don't use my iPod anymore; at work I use Pandora for music when I'm going to be deskbound for awhile. But songs that I definitely wait to hear, or if I haven't heard in awhile, I'll go to Youtube and listen to:
Taylor Swift - "Red"
Maroon5 "Daylight" and "Payphone" (OMG I'M GOING TO THEIR CONCERT TONIGHT)
Train -  "Drive By" and "50 Ways to Say Goodbye"
Coldplay - "Viva la Vida" and "Yellow"
Oh and "Hoppipolla". I like Vitamin String Quartet's instrumental version of it. The original song by Sigur Rós is very cool too. Check out the video!

Time to pimp out the games I can't wait for, that I'm backing through Kickstarter!

Zombicide Season 2 (Prison Outbreak) + Expansion to S1 or S2 (Toxic City Mall) - I've mentioned this one before. I play the first game (Season 1) a lot. Hell I have a picture of it above. If you like zombies, if you like co-op games, get it! You play as survivors trying to complete some mission (some are easy, some are epic fail hard) and fight off the zombies. Some will live, some will die... some will be the hero (DON'T BE THE HERO!), some will be the bait. 12 days to go!
Dragon's Hoard - I've mentioned this one as well. 6 days to go!
Dungeon Roll - Mentioned this one too. You roll dice to see what treasure you'll unlock, what enemies you'll defeat, and how deep you'll delve into the dungeon. And when the dreaded dragon will show up. 10 hours to go!
SuperFight! - Another I've mentioned before. Really looking forward to this one. You have cards with characters that you chose to go against the judge's character, and then you have randomly selected powers/weaknesses cards. 8 days to go!

And some new ones!
Machine of Death - this seems like an interesting party game. So you're an assassin, and there's this machine of death that using a drop of someone's blood, can predict how they will die. So you get a card showing their method of death (cancer, old age, slipped on banana peel, etc.) and you have to make it happen. But maybe this person is on a space station, and you only have a few tools at your disposal. So how the heck are you going to make it happen? Well... you're the assassin. I'm sure you'll figure it out. 8 hours to go!
Story War - A storytelling party game! It's like Dixit meets Apples to Apples meets awesome. So you split into teams and there's a judge. There's a location and each team plays their character cards and some item cards and use their own creativity to argue why they would clearly defeat the other team. It's a more interactive Apples to Apples/Cards Against Humanity. Because while in those games you can argue for your card, in this game, it all comes down to HOW well you argue for your card. Debate club with cards? 3 days to go!
Flash Point: Fire Rescue - Extreme Danger -  I actually haven't backed this one, my boyfriend told me about and that he already backed it, so there's no real reason for me to back it. We did the same thing with Zombicide S2. It's an expansion to Flash Point, which is a co-op game where you play as fire fighters trying to rescue victims and put out fires and try to keep that building from collapsing in a fiery ball of wreckage. Which happens a lot... 28 days to go!

Hm....  I'm noticing a definite trend to my preferred types of games.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hiatus over!

Whoops, I disappeared again. Sorry about that. What have been I been up to in the almost month since my last post?

All Star Weekend! What an amazing and exhausting weekend! So many people, so much great people watching, so many great events... I worked with retail that weekend, so I was here from 4-midnight Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I saw a bunch of people who I was pretty sure I was supposed to know who they are but, whoops, I didn't know. I could tell they were "someone" though by how many cameras followed them around. And man the bling! So many people were checking out and had their hand on the counter and all I saw was bling from championship rings. NBA and NFL I'm quite sure.
Yea, some of these are familiar.
Not my image by the way, I got it from Hoopism. As promised, here are some more pictures from the building, as decorated by the NBA.

Side of the building, near the box office

Front of the building - my favorite!

To the left of the front of the building, near the Team Shop

Continuation of the last pic

The Beard!! (Lol, first I typed The Bard)

My boyfriend got me a beautiful orchid for Valentine's Day and it's still alive!! I need to take pictures to prove that fact (I have no green thumb. More like a black thumb) but here are pics from when I got it:
Moth Orchid OF LOVE
All of the buds have since opened... Well. All except for one but it never had a chance. It broke off the main stem when I was putting it in my car to take home at the end of the week.
 The Thursday after All Star I worked the P!nk concert. So much great people watching!! And that woman sounds amazing live. Her body is sick. Such an inspiration. I even ran into a friend at the show while I walking the building, selling programs. It was the first time I'd seen her since I cut and dyed my hair (had it dyed professionally). Oh yea that's another thing I did -- I don't even remember when, but I changed my hair! It's a nice coppery red now. Ready for spring!
 The weekend after All Star, the boyfriend and I headed to Austin to see my brother and sister-in-law for my sister-in-law's birthday -- 30! My brother was able to arrange a surprise party for her. She knew my parents were coming up for the weekend, she did not know Chris and I were heading up. We showed up on Friday with the story that oh, we were just swinging by that night on our way to the hotel, we were spending the rest of the weekend with a friend who lives up there for law school. Boy was she surprised to see us the next day when we were supposedly doing a campus tour of UTA. Mwahaha. She also had no idea that my sister and brother-in-law were coming! So that was a lot of fun. My parents bought her a karaoke machine so the majority of the evening was spent on that.

The weekend was great... until Sunday when we were heading out. An engine warning light popped up Chris hadn't seen before, so we looked it up in the owners manual and saw that it was for the coolant level being too low so we swung by a store, bought some more, put it into the reservoir, and headed out... Only to go one block and the light comes on again and the reservoir is completely empty. Not good. Luckily we were able to find a Firestone nearby. Very long story short, the car would take a few days to be ready (first we were told one day, but there was some delay getting the part from a dealership) and I had to be in Houston the next day for time sensitive work things, so I was able to get a ride from my sister and brother-in-law (who are life savers - they drove about 45 minutes back into Austin to get me) and Chris was able to stay with my brother for the night. Then since his car wasn't ready, he was able to switch cars with his brother who goes to school in Austin, and drive home Monday. His car is actually still up in Austin but it is ready to come home! He'll switch again this weekend when his brother is home for Spring Break. Phew!'

I miss having Spring Break... I don't miss school, but I miss that week. Oh well. Only way I could have it now is to be a teacher or some other way work in a school and I don't think that's for me.

 This past weekend, Chris and I headed up to Dallas. Two of his friends up there just got a new house and had been asking him when he'd be able to come up and see it. I looked at my March calendar and remembered that my TRX training starts soon, so suggested that weekend. So we headed up with some friends (carpool power!) for a house warming party. Had a great time! Played some games, slept in, ate some good food, hung out with his friends more.... got serious house envy.

Soon, soon, one day soon Chris and I will get a house. I see it coming. I definitely want the next time I move to be into a house. An upstairs, a guest room, a game room, a big kitchen with an island and a wet bar... Serious house envy going on right now.

And on Saturday, the Kickstarter for the new season of Zombicide started so I stalked it on my iPad and pledged as soon as I could. Those early birds went fast!! So now I'm still stalking it, checking the new stretch goals and optional purchases. Can't wait to get that game.

And now I'm a little addicted to Kickstarter. In the last few days I've backed three more game projects that sound interesting. Check 'em out and if you're interested, back them too! Definitely recommend Zombicide. It's a solid co-op game.

Dragons Hoard - card game to fight your opponents, protect your treasure and maidens in your lair. Looks simple to learn, quick to play. Vaguely reminds me of Lost Cities.
Dungeon Roll - dice rolling game to delve into a dungeon and collect treasure and fight monsters and the dreaded dragon. Another simple to learn, quick to play one. Vaguely reminds me of Escape.
SUPERFIGHT! - party card comparison game, like Apples to Apples meets Cards Against Humanity. I enjoy Cards Against Humanity and a lot of my friends enjoy Apples to Apples, so I figured it was worth a shot.

And now I need to stop lurking Kickstarter. At least until these games fund and ship. Zombicide TCM and PO won't ship until September though... grar.

Oh and I'm helping to plan two baby showers. One in April, one in May.

So that's where I've been for the past month.On tap for this weekend? My TRX training starts Friday night -- was supposed to be Saturday but the trainers have something going on so the group was able to agree on a new time. That will be interesting... and hopefully help me get my workout routine in order. I'm working out friend tonight and it's the first time I've really worked out in... I don't want to say. I also have a games night with Chris' friends Saturday, and then I'm hosting outdoor volleyball this Sunday afternoon. And we lose an hour on Saturday night! Thank god. Love DST.

I should have a new recipe post in the next week or so... It's a surprise!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday Confessions!

That time again and this time I'm two days late! Oh yea I rock so hard! I think you guys know the drill by now. Click on the badge below, head over to Alyx's blog and link up! Make your own confessions, after reading mine of course!

1. I need to work on my temper. That sounds weird. I need to clarify... I don't lose my temper a lot. Almost never. But sometimes when I'm really tired or frustrated or both, I have these little outbursts that could almost be called temper tantrums. They're not healthy and I'm not proud of them and I don't like them. So yes, need to work on them.

2. Valentine's Day is coming up! I don't have huge plans with the boyfriend... Dinner at home that night, go out to eat for the day sometime next weekend since I'm working every evening this weekend for All Star weekend. I thought about doing something really cute, like a scavenger hunt, then I remembered Gone Girl... so nixed that idea.

3. I skipped working out last night. Whoops. It was the second class of my free two class pass from S Factor. It was just so rainy and gross last night! The last thing I wanted to do when I got home was go out again. So I didn't. Ha, world! Instead I watched about 4 episodes of Breaking Bad, season two. Almost done with season two, two more episodes!

4. I signed up for a TRX class! I'll start in March, every Saturday for six weeks. Excited and scared! Hopefully I won't make a fool of myself in front of my friend who's in the training session with me. I've always said I have very little upper body strength -- maybe this will be when I change that!

5. I think I'm obsessed. I can't stop thinking about when these games come out from Guillotine Games. I'm in love with Zombicide and have about 7 of my closest friends equally in love. We're planning an all-Zombicide games night. In honor of Walking Dead starting up again!

Zombicide Toxic City Mall expansion

Zombicide Prison Outbreak expansion/stand alone
6. I think I'm going to give up soda for Lent. Or fried food. Last year I did fried food and did really well... only cheated once! Or I could do soda AND fried food? Hm... Still deciding. I have one more day to decide!
This weekend might be the worst weekend to give up caffeine before. I'm going to be working late three nights in a row... It's not supposed to be easy though.
Oddly enough, I'm not at all religious... I don't even go to church. I have no opinions on the Pope's announcement yesterday that he's stepping down. I won't go to church for Ash Wednesday. But I still honor Lent by doing my sacrifice each year.
Can I do without you for 40 days, soda?
7. Happy late Chinese New Year! It's the year of the Snake! Chinese New Year started on Sunday. Saturday night my boyfriend and I had a big family dinner to honor the holiday. I got my first red pocket!
Money in red
Here's some information on Chinese New Year celebrations that seems pretty accurate. We did the New Years Eve family gathering and feasting. And the red pockets.

8. I owe you a recipe post. I haven't forgotten about the Funfetti cookies I said I was making last week. I did make them. Soon, soon! I'll probably work on that after I finish this post.

9. Whoa, eight confessions so far? I'm on a roll!

10. It's NBA Week! The NBA All Star games are rolling into town and Toyota Center is all dressed up!
Toyota Center -- AKA, All Star Center?
I'm going to try to get better pictures later this week when it's not so rainy disgusting.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


So I think by this point everyone knows I have a weird obsessive love of all things Zelda?

So it must be said.

I am super duper excited about the informtion released by Nintendo yesterday!!

Nintendo teases new Zelda, Wind Waker remake for Wii U

I knew as soon as I heard about the Wii U that I wouldn't buy it until a Legend of Zelda game came out for it. So the new Zelda game, as far as I can tell with various articles (here's a good one from last October), is planned for 2014. But later this year a remake of Wind Waker will be released for the Wii U. So looks like I'll be getting a Wii U sooner than I thought.

So. Excited!

I've honestly been craving replaying Wind Waker too. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Guest Blog - Board Game Geek Con Recap (part 1)

So as I've mentioned my boyfriend was at a board game convention in Dallas most of last week and I told him he needs to write up a recap/review of the games he played. Maybe I could post it as a guest blog! And he did. So I am.

The con: Board Game Geek Con


Landed and met with Astrolad for Netrunner goodness. Played many games with him over the course of the con, and some of the longest Netrunner ones I've had too. We almost decked the corp twice lol. One card I'd like to see for the Corp in an upcoming expansion would be something like:
Back to the Drawing Board
Cost: 3
Draw a card. Return up to two cards from your hand back to R&D, then shuffle R&D.
This way the Corp isn't completely screwed if they draw into 3-4 agendas early in the game.


Registration line was looooong when it opened but cleared up around noon.

Le Havre

Finally got to play this and it's a really good worker placement game. We cut it short to make time for playing others, but I'm sold to play this anytime someone is offering.


Not too bad. I definitely see this as a 4 player only game, and I see what GAFers are talking about with the arena thing being a little bad, but if your defense/attack is high enough then you're likely okay just charging in and giving them the first hit anyway. Would love to play this more and test out different strategies, but I don't think it's at a 'must play again now' sort of level.

Shadows of Camelot

BSG level of betrayal goodness. I ended up as the traitor this game and probably played it too passively. Things were actually looking pretty good for me so I didn't see a point to revealing as I get a bonus for staying hidden the entire game too. We were down to 2 swords from losing Excalibur and everyone was split with the grail half corrupted. Astrolad was teaching the game and one of the randoms we played with accused him of being traitor right off the bat for "not being clear with rules explanation" lol. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to evoke enough emotion for everybody else to accuse him in turn for his gaffe to get another free accusation out of it, and waited too long to accuse him myself. Another mistake I made was probably helping out with the Grail quest for 2 turns instead of 1. Most of the game I just wasted time by drawing cards (I held 3 of the 7 available Merlins in my hand for a majority of the game) and advancing evil w/o giving myself away. The evil cards didn't roll my way though so in the end Good prevailed at 7 white swords to 5 black. Would play again but man, we either had an easy game this go-around or the traitor really has to play perfectly to win.


I ran down early to take part in the Escape Experience, but the line was kinda long and I didn't realize they had 8 tables of 5 playing so it really wouldn't have been more than a 10 minute wait, so I went to the Queen booth instead to learn/play it.

Escape from the Cursed Temple

This game is fun. At least for the first couple times anyway. For a first time play, you feel really frantic because you're unsure of a lot of things and the soundtrack really adds a lot to the experience, and just barely eking out an escape or reaching safety in the last few seconds feels really really good. Unfortunately, I think the base game ends up being too easy once you get a better hold of your faculties. I played the game about 5-6 times over the course of the con and each one was progressively easier. Tried a few times with the curse mode and while they add difficulty, it adds enough that it feels almost impossible. With the curse model you're solving curses on your own and getting 3/5 die or more often 3/4 (because of that always locked die *shakefist*) can be a real chore to do for 2/3s of every explorable tile. I feel it takes away from the 'fun' aspect of the game which is also the main reason I would want to play escape.

Descent 2.0

Pretty good dungeon crawler. We played on and off during the con, completing 3 and a half missions total. The adventurers and the DM both level up from each mission, raising difficulty to match the hero upgrades. As an adventurer, it felt like all the missions were stacked against us, even the one we eventually won. But thinking back on it there were a few tactical mistakes we made that probably would've won us the mission otherwise. Aside from the normal hack and slash aspect, I'd say the game is best if you can get starting gold/XP to customize your character, or play a campaign or two to build your character from scratch. The game plays pretty fast once your party can decide what to do. I'd say about 20 minutes for set-up/teardown combined and about 40 minutes per map (some encounters have more than 1 map).


It's a video game and not a board game, but I played it at the con so I'll put it here. If you don't know what it is, imagine Star Trek. Now imagine the main room with the Captain telling the crew what they need to do. This game is exactly like that. You and a team of 5 others take positions as Captain, Helm, Tactical (weapons), Science, Comms, and Engineering to pilot a starship around your sectors of the galaxy and defending it from the invading enemies. It requires good communication between all stations as well as good orders from your captain. For example, I was the helm and after getting the heading to a friendly station, I had to turn our ship around in order to fly that direction after a command of "Helm set course to bearing 270, warp speed". Well I didn't realize our Engineering team could control my maneuverability and was turning really slow to do a full 180 because Engineering was still getting used to the station and had turning at minimum capacity. After 5 seconds of turning and not moving forward I received 2 more repeated commands of, "Warp speed to bearing 270, helm". I said fuckit, if the captain wants warp speed, he gets warp speed and hit the warp drives at my current heading. This ran us headlong into a minefield and nearly into an asteroid field, taking out our warp drives and we spent 5 minutes trudging back to DS1 half a sector away at impulse speed to get repaired lol.

This is turning out to be a lot to type so I'll do a recap of the second half of the con later.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Game Night, Food Provided By Pinterest!

It's already November!! Can you believe it? I really can't. Feels like just yesterday I was ringing in the New Year. The sad thing is, even though today is November 1, I already have most of my Thanksgiving and Christmas plans done. At this point, just waiting to find out what days off my sister-in-law will have for the Christmas weekend to figure out when we can go down to my parents' house for the holiday. And also need to figure out when we're spending time with Chris' family for the holiday.

This actually is our second holiday season together but last year around the holidays, we were still rather freshly dating, so we spent our holidays separate. I think the only time we saw each other over Thanksgiving weekend was on Friday night, when a mutual friend had a "Thanksgiving leftovers" party.

Speaking of parties.. I'm starting my holiday season off with a bang! Chris and I are having a Games night at our apartment tomorrow evening. About 8 of our friends are invited. Should be a fun night -- hopefully the first of many game nights to come! It's actually a little bit of a housewarming party. It'll definitely be the most people at one time who will be over at our place.

We have lots of games available for playing -- Perudo, Blokus, Zombicide (LOVE this game!!), Flashpoint, Dixit, RoboRally, Ricochet Robots, King of Tokyo, Ticket to Ride, Taboo, Pandemic... I know Chris has more than that, but that's all I can think of. 

And I have quite a spread planned. Most of these recipes I found on Pinterest. Ham and Cheese Roll Ups -these are actually something Chris recommended that he's made before when he had game nights at his place. They sounded really good I had to find a pin to pin! Pizza Balls - something I actually found on Pinterest ages ago and I've been wanting to try. I'm going to have a veggie tray as well, with baby carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, and little tomatoes. To dip in, I'm going to have hummus and Ranch dip made with Greek yogurt. For food I had to keep in mind one of my friend's capsaicin allergy. I don't have an Epipen and don't want the night to end in a call to 911. For dessert I have two things planned: those Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Spice cookies I made last week and Dessert Dip which I saw on Pinterest awhile ago. Plan to use as dippers animal crackers and pretzels and sliced up apples, if I can get them not to brown.

Am I having a game night as an excuse to try out a bunch of Pinterest recipes? Um ... I plead the Fifth!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Weekend Recap

Time for me to throw in the obligatory, Happy early Halloween blog post!

Been a busy girl since my last post. I worked the Madonna concert on Wednesday and Thursday night -- how exhausting!! Great people watching though -- so many 80's style "material girls"! I definitely don't know how the other departments handle the work schedule of working events late into the night, night after night. Guest services, retail, scoreboard ops, probably so many other departments I'm missing, all of those departments are busy with the games and the concerts/events. Granted, they all aren't expected to come to work at 8:30am the next day after they leave the building at midnight, but it's still a rough schedule. I'll definitely stick to my 8:30-5:30 gig and occasionally "moonlight" with retail for extra cash and do the occasional informational shadowing shift with other departments to learn how they do what they do.

I did get my commission numbers from Madonna, this morning. The little bit of sleep dep last week? Well worth it. Money money money money! I will have my iPad soon. The only question is -- iPad 2, iPad 3, or the iPad 4? Chris is recommending the iPad 4, and when it comes to things like this he definitely knows better than I do, and it sounds like it's coming out just in time for the holiday season.

I was totally drained at work on Friday -- seriously, I could barely function just beyond the basic things I needed to do -- but I was able to get the work I had to do done and left a little early. Had enough time to go home and catch a quick nap before Chris came home and then we packed and we were off to Dallas for the weekend to stay with some of his friends for their annual Halloween party.

The Halloween party was a blast -- Chris and I were a little lazy this year and recycled our costumes from last year. He was a marionette, I was a flapper. We figured, hey, the Dallas people haven't seen these costumes in person, and they're damn cool, so yea, no shame. Recycle! We'll have to figure out epic costumes for next year though, don't think I can get away with being a flapper three years in a row. Which is almost too bad -- I love that costume. It lets me be sexy without being slutty and hey, isn't that what Halloween is all about?

But yes, I have big decisions to make this year. Couple costume? Make our own (yuhright on that for me, I am not that crafty), buy it, assemble something from thrift stores? Pirates, ninjas, Greek god and goddess? Only time will tell.

There were some great other costumes at the party -- Tony Stark, a Pokemon, Daria, Cookie Monster and a chocolate chip cookie, Effie Trinket and Caesar Flickerman. And we played board games, so many board games -- Dixit and Netrunner and Zombicide (so much Zombicide! I died -- had to take one for the team) and Mafia (okay not a board game, oh well) and Belfort and Innovation!

And we ate food, so much food! There were candy corn themed fruit and veggie trays -- pineapple (yellow), oranges (orange), sliced apples (white); yellow bell pepper (yellow), baby carrots (orange), ranch dip (white). There were mummy dogs -- wieners wrapped in crescent rolls with little mustard faces. There were cookies, so many cookies. There was guacamole with little chunks of feta mixed in -- how have I never thought of this before?? There was queso dip with Rotel -- yum, a favorite of mine. And there were Minion cupcakes, which were the cutest things ever. But you don't have to take my word for it, I'll let you decide for yourself:

See. Too cute. Orange poppyseed cupcakes with lemon icing and decorated Twinkies on top.

I was rather proud of myself that night, on my food intake. I ate several mummy dogs, one scoop of queso and guacamole and a handful of tortilla chips to go with both. And a pumpkin pie Jello shot, with alcohol-infused whipped cream on top. No cupcakes (....that night. I had two the next morning.). And I think that's about it... Oh and to drink, some Sailor Jerry's spiced rum and tropical flavored carbonated water. Yum! Very low cal. Go me. A nice start to the Holiday Season of Eating. Season's Gr'eatings?

This party got me excited about a game night that Chris and I are throwing this upcoming Friday -- more on that later!!