Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blogger book club - She's gone, move on

I was very excited to see that a blog I read often and that does the Sunday Confession link ups hosts a Blogger book club and this month's book is actually one I've already read. It's also one I plan on recommending to my in-person book club to read in February. So I decided to join in.

BTW, points to whoever can name the reference to my blog entry title!

The book is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I've read one of her other books Dark Places and really enjoy her writing style and story telling. Now that I've ready two of her books I need to read the third, Sharp Objects.

I'm going to try to keep this post rather spoiler-free because I would NOT have wanted to be spoiled for this book. So I'll return the favor. I really enjoyed this book. It sucked me in pretty early on and I could not put it down and once I got about a third-way through, it really drew me in and there was no way I could stop reading it. What's surprising about how much I liked this book as by the end, I didn't like any of the characters much, which usually throws me out of a book, but for this one, I kept right on rolling. While I didn't like them much, I still wanted to know how it would all play out.

The end was a little frustrating but I wouldn't call it a let down. I honestly could not have thought of a better ending. It's really almost the perfect ending for a story like this.

Definitely check this book out. I think most people would enjoy it. And the more people read it, the more I can talk about it!

Spoilers in the comments are fine, I just wanted to keep them off the main entry. So see that people? You've been warned. Spoilers in comments!


  1. Yes!

    I didn't really like the characters by the end either. Definitely Nick more than Amy though but that's just because I sort of can't blame the guy for cheating when she was obviously a crazy face. Wrong? Maybe!

    I also thought the interesting was perfect in that it wasn't a happy ending but it was exactly what needed to happen!

    Thanks for linking up!!

    1. As soon as Nick's little mistress was introduced in the story, I lost all interest in him. What a dip!

      But at the end, while she was definitely detestable, you almost had to admire Amy in all her crazy. She was all about the long con, the end game. How she got herself pregnant? Crazy!!

      Those two crazy horrible people almost deserve each other.

  2. I hated them all by the end, started rooting for Boney (was that what they called her?). I do have to hand it to Amy, she was precise in her planning, which is why i wondered why she didn't catch herself with the people at the lodge....

    I felt badly for those people adjacent to her who'd been victims of the crazy - Hildy and Desi, though Desi was bonkers too....

    really interesting read, i do want to check out her other books....but gotta finish game of thrones first!

    1. I might have Dark Places... Let me look. I know I read it in book form, can't remember if I had it from the library or randomly bought it.

  3. Ahhhh I really need to read it!!! Thanks for participating, Laura! Let me know if you want to be on the email list to be notified of book picks, link up dates, and google video chat dates!

    1. You should definitely read it!
      Please put me on the email list:
      Thanks for doing so many great link ups!

  4. Thanks for joining us Laura!! So glad to have you. I LOVE spoilers before I read anything, so I'm loving all of the random info I'm getting before I finish this book. Any other good book recommendations? You should join us for the video chat tomorrow night at 8pm EST and let us know!! Just let Alyx or I know and we'll add you.

  5. I was a little frustrated by the end as well. I wanted to see something more out of her friends from the lodge. I agree with you about the characters though. By the end, I wasn't really rooting for any of them, but I sort of did want to see her be caught in her lies...after all, he was caught in his with the mistress and everything. Anyway, very interesting book!
