Friday, November 16, 2012

Maintain, don't gain!

At work, we're having a holiday challenge with our One Life Wellness program - Maintain, Don't Gain!

I did a weigh in on Thursday (Nov 15) and I'll do another weigh in at the end of the holidays, on January 3rd. If my weight is +/- 2 pounds of our November weight, congratulations! I didn't go crazy over the holidays and gain that average 5 pounds!

I am not putting my weight here. That is between me, the scale, and the One Life Wellness committee member who logged the weights in yesterday. 

I'm trying to be ambitious and am hoping to LOSE pounds over the holidays. I am not off to a good start though. I had McDonald's today. Mmm. So tasty, so bad for me.

So time to get my game plan together!
  1. Plan out my meals for the week better -- bring my lunch more. Don't end up having no clue what I'm doing for lunch so I end up at the closest, and probably worst, place.
  2. Exercise -- at the very least twice a week! I bought a Living Social deal for a Zumba place near me I want to start. I've looked at their membership pricing and it's really not too bad. Maybe I can check them out next Tuesday. Also soon, one of my good friends who is my workout buddy gets back from her Latin American cruise. Yes - workout buddies are the best. I need more of them. 
  3. Take it easy with the holiday eating. Remember what you learned in the Healthy Holiday Eating class work held: at parties, survey the entire spread of food, THEN choose what to eat. Have a small plate. Put three things on the plate, then get AWAY from the food and eat. Eat sitting down, not standing up -- research actually shows you eat less if you do this. Odd huh?  Choose your treats wisely -- pass on the items you could have every day and indulge instead in the holiday-specific treats that your friends and family members really only make once a year.
That's pretty much my game plan. Very simple yet would go so far. It's a game plan I've had for awhile, I just have my good weeks with it... and my terrible ones. I have no plans tonight though. I'll probably just do a quick errand, make sure I have everything I need tomorrow to go Over The Edge with Special Olympics Texas (cannot believe that's tomorrow!!! I'm rappelling down a 22 story building!) and then maybe squeeze in a quick workout. Wii Zumba or since the weather is so cold, do a walk around the block. The only problem with the walking option is it gets dark so early now! I hate it! Maybe I'll just work with my resistance band some - found this playlist on Youtube that has a lot of Xertube resistance cord exercises that look easy to do while at home, watching TV.

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