Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I've been looking forward to this weekend all year. I love this weekend, love the holidays! Love getting to spend time with the family. Too bad that it won't be the full family... my brother couldn't get off work and my sister-in-law has to work the rest of the weekend so it'll be Chris' first Thanksgiving with the Bosche family but not the full family. Maybe that'll be better... ease him in slowly? I've been told my family can be a little overwhelming.

So today is just lazy... Slept in a little, read a little, took a nap, started my overdue laundry. I'm working on making my chocolate chip pumpkin spice cookies again. Chris is going to make a pumpkin cheesecake later. And then we're heading to his uncle's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Later tonight we're going to drive up to my sister's house and we'll have Thanksgiving lunch tomorrow.

Used my new kitchen toy - medium cookie scoop. It definitely makes the the cookies cuter.

My ingredients!

My tools! One of which has not been used

Now it's been used.

Cute little rounded cookies!
Here's the recipe I used, plus I add semi-sweet chips.

I have no idea what we're eating tonight but here is the menu for tomorrow. So much food.. yum. So many desserts! We even cut the food a little - we originally were going to have a ham.

Recipes to follow later... 

Mashed potatoes
Sweet potato casserole
Green beans - I also add finely chopped bacon
Cajun rice dressing

Five cup salad
Cherry coke salad
Pumpkin pie
Pecan pie
Chocolate pie
And my cookies!

Chris and I are planning to bring some games with us to my sister's house. I'm thinking about introducing my sister and brother-in-law to Zombicide.

Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. we have too much food for 6 people, and you are missing the butternut squash...hopefully a cheesecake will make it up here too....

    ready for gaming!
