Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How do I love thee, let me count the ways

This weekend was totally Chris' moment to shine and prove how awesome he is and how lucky I am to have him! And not just once -- three times!

* Saturday -- So on Friday night, I picked up the packets for The Color Run for myself, Chris, and my sister, who was doing the colorful 5K with us. The Color Run, btw, was AWESOME! But more on that later. I also bought some Color Run merchandise so when I got home, I had four bags total. Popped on the overhead light, gathered up my bags, and headed upstairs for an evening in. Next morning, I head down to my car to run some errands and ... uh oooh, car won't start. That's right -- in that last sentence, I didn't type that I turned off the interior light. That's because I didn't. Left it on all night, ran the battery down. Went back up stairs, told Chris what was up, he handed over his keys to let me borrow his car for my errands and said we'd jump it later. So I went on about my errands and later that night, after a successful pub crawl, we decided to jump my car. Got everything hooked up, and I turn the key, and nothing. So I'm frustrated and thinking something else is wrong with my car but I can't imagine what and Chris says hold on, changes where the cable is hooked to ground and says try again. Boom. Ignition, engine starts. I hadn't hooked up the ground to a metal UNpainted part of the car. Way to save that damsel in distress, boyfriend of mine!

* Sunday -- On Sunday we did The Color Run. Had a blast! Now, you must keep in mind that 5K's are not my boyfriend's thing, or getting really dirty for the fun of it, and neither is waking up early. And the Color Run included all of that. And Chris was a total trooper about it and had a lot of fun. And we got some super cute pictures from it. Now do I expect him to do it again? Haha no. He said on a scale of 1 to 10, it was a 6. But hey. I'll take it. Brownie points for him!

* Monday -- Yesterday Chris was off because he's going to a board game convention later this week so decided to take the entire week off. Lucky! He had also extended the invite to me, because he registered for two spots, but it's not really my thing as much as it is some of his friends and also, I have my Over the Edge rappelling event this weekend -- no way in hell am I missing that! I also don't have that much vacation left. This week is also really busy at work. So since he had the day off I asked him to do some errands for me, which he did, without complaint:
Made dinner for me! Crockpot Monday!
Took the kitty to the vet for what I thought would be a quick follow up appointment. I took her to her annual exam about a month ago and they cleaned out her ears and gave me a cream for a minor ear infection she had, and also prescribed her pills for a thyroid issue she has now since she's an older kitty. They told me that I'd need to bring her in for a follow up in a few weeks so they could do blood work and make sure that the dosage of pills is right. Sometimes it takes a few tries. So Chris took her to the vet for me and when I got home, I saw the new pills, and new cream for her ears to clear up the infection the rest of the way .... and one thing I didn't expect on a mandatory follow up appointment. A $200 bill. Which I had not expected, so had not warned Chris about -- I told him the pills would cost about $10 which I'd pay him back for, or pay for dinner when it wasn't my turn or something. And he paid it! And didn't even mention it to me in complaint or anything. That's my boyfriend -- he's really not a complainer. Which is a great thing.

So. That's my weekend. Full of daily reminders of why I'm so lucky to have Chris in my life!


  1. very sweet, you too are so cute together -- so glad that E&A brought you together!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm glad too. :) (Like... every day ♥)
