Thursday, January 24, 2013


So I think by this point everyone knows I have a weird obsessive love of all things Zelda?

So it must be said.

I am super duper excited about the informtion released by Nintendo yesterday!!

Nintendo teases new Zelda, Wind Waker remake for Wii U

I knew as soon as I heard about the Wii U that I wouldn't buy it until a Legend of Zelda game came out for it. So the new Zelda game, as far as I can tell with various articles (here's a good one from last October), is planned for 2014. But later this year a remake of Wind Waker will be released for the Wii U. So looks like I'll be getting a Wii U sooner than I thought.

So. Excited!

I've honestly been craving replaying Wind Waker too. 

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